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The Victorian Lady 1900s - The Edwardian Era


  Fashion in Fiction Fashion in Fiction
Regency fashion in Jane Austen's day


The Program


The (original) VICTORIAN LADY

While dressing in actual vintage and authentically reproduced undergarments, clothing and accessories, Kandie Carle adds humor, history and intriguing anecdotes about fashion, home life and etiquette of Victorian men and women. [read more...]

The program was informative, educational, entertaining and FUNNY! It was just the right mix of facts, humor and history.



Regency fashion in Jane Austen's day! A fun and delightful show-and-tell on the clothing of Regency England as reflected in Jane Austen's fiction. [read more...]

The way you capture and hold
an audience’s attention is one of my favorite things to watch,
and it was more meaningful because you were speaking about
Jane Austen, our beloved patroness.

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